With more than three million copies sold, this title is a phenomenon that has been spreading by word of mouth since it was first published, it is one of those extraordinary books capable of creating such an experience in readers that they can radically change their lives for the better.
To delve into this book we will have to leave behind our analytical mind and its false self, the ego. From the first page of this extraordinary book we rise to a higher height and breathe lighter air. We connect with the indestructible essence of our Being: "the omnipresent, eternal One Life, which is beyond the myriad forms of life subject to birth and death." Although the journey is challenging, the author teaches us using simple language and an easy question-answer format.
The author was born in Germany, where he lived until he was thirteen years old. After graduating from the University of London, he was a researcher and supervisor at the University of Cambridge. At the age of twenty-nine, he experienced a profound spiritual transformation that changed the course of his life. He dedicated the following years to understanding, integrating and deepening this transformation, which marked the beginning of an intense inner journey. Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition. In his teachings a simple but profound message is transmitted, with the timeless clarity and simplicity of the ancient spiritual masters; Yes, there is a way to get out of suffering and to achieve peace. Today, Eckhart travels extensively, taking his teachings and presence around the world.