EL PODER DE LA CONSCIENCIA Libro de Neville Goddard - Sin Trucos Humanos


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The power of conscience allows those who rebel against a rigid religious upbringing to renew some of the ideas engraved in their conscience, only in a more positive and universal way.

Neville shows how the change of consciousness is the critical factor in life, since consciousness is the only reality, the first and only cause-substance of the phenomena of life. In this book, Neville gives us the key to know more deeply the true nature of being; showing us that consciousness is the one and only reality and that circumstances or conditions are only the product of our own consciousness.

Try to show how to use our mind to make our wishes come true. Embark on an inner journey that will transform your daily life. In this work, the author's most important, he focuses, among others, on concepts such as: * Conscience The truth that sets you free Attitude Subjective control Free will Faith Destiny

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Make your learning and reading of this book easier and more enjoyable by following the video reading and interpretation of this book, on my YouTube channel of No Human Tricks. Access with this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI50f93PdVI&list=PL0ve5T0PLRCIeoZr_OiOubk4xD1kRGElW