• The new and long-awaited work of Joe Dispenza, author of the best sellers "Stop Being You" and "The Placebo Is You."
• Offers tools to get out of our physical reality and into a quantum field of infinite possibilities.
• Combines scientific information with ancient wisdom.
Joe Dispenza, the scientist who has traveled the world teaching the science of transformation, returns with a new book in which he exposes the knowledge and instruction to look beyond reality. His thousands of students are living proof of the effectiveness of his method; rigorous scientific tests, including brain scans, blood tests and cardiac monitoring, show that we are much more than chemistry and biology.
We can all change our internal and external environment through the power of thought, the author argues, not only to restore health and vitality but also to improve the landscape of our lives. But we are also equipped to connect with frequencies that cross the borders of the material world. Combining radical discoveries in disciplines such as neuroscience and particle physics with the tools of mindfulness and meditation, Dr. Joe Dispenza presents a revolutionary program to access the quantum field of possibility. To experience, in short, our supernatural nature.
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