El Acelerador Cuántico - Clase Especial - Sin Trucos Humanos

The Quantum Accelerator - Special Class

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Deferred class

Do not miss our next Sth Special Class THE QUANTUM ACCELERATOR on October 8 from 8pm Canary Islands time.

Get on our rocket and fasten your seatbelts because we are going to take off towards a class with an EXCLUSIVE presentation where for the first time, I am going to share some concepts that will help you accelerate your demonstrations.

Do you want the key to control time?

This class is for you.

It is a class on the subject of Consciousness and the Quantum World.

It will not be an easy class to assimilate, but it will catapult you towards your goals.

The classes have a start time but the end time is uncertain, it will depend on the number of attendees and the amount of doubts that have to be resolved.

Remember that attending a live class helps to better program your subconscious mind.

In addition, reserving your place now you will benefit from a 60% discount for advance purchase.

Run for yours!

The engines are about to take off... runnn ruuuuunnn ñiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuum


Remember that as it is a live class, an email will be sent to you on the day of the class, before the class with the link to access the live class.

* This class was taught Live on October 8 - It is currently available to you on Delayed.